Eating For Health

Eating for health is making sure you are eating a nutritionally sound diet. Here I talk about the 3 macro nutrient carbohydrate, protein and fat. Each macro nutrient is explained below. Adding a few simple changes to your current diet and accepting that this is for long term gains and not just a few weeks.


Used as the body’s main fuel source…

Carbs are low in fat, high in fibre and help sustain energy levels throughout the day. The brain, kidneys, muscles and heart all need carbohydrates to function properly.

There are two types of carbohydrates – starches and sugars. Starches are beneficial to health but it is best to limit your sugar intake. Try to choose products with less sugar.

Some labels including the information ‘of which sugars..’ this will tell you how much of the carbohydrate in that food is made up of sugar. Sugar in itself is NOT bad. In fact, we need a certain amount of it to even survive and be able to think straight.

When you eat healthy carbs – like a sweet potato, quinoa, wholegrains or an apple, you’re also eating the fibre that comes along with it. Digestions is slowed down, so event though you’re eating sugar, your blood sugar levels do not raise as fast. Your body can easily handle it.


Proteins are the building block to life…

Without protein, we’d be out of luck because it plays a lead role in nearly every function in your body. It’s part of every cell in your body. Your body uses it to build muscle, organs and other tissues. It’s also important for brain health audit’s vital when it comes to making key enzymes, hormones and other necessary body chemicals.

Not only that, eating the right amount of protein will boost your metabolism and keep your weight on track. It helps you feel fuller for longer.

You want to make sure you are eating QUALITY protein. Try to focus on grass-fed meats, wild fish, free range poultry, meat substitutes, eggs and legumes.


Eating fat does NOT make us fat…

Your body NEEDS healthy fats to function properly. Like protein, fat helps keep you feeling full. It helps you body process vitamins and minerals, gives you glowing hair and skin and provides vital energy.

It’s important not to eat TOO much healthy fats because by their nature, fats contain more calories per gram than carbs and protein. But that doesn’t make them bad.

Healthy fats including things like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, grass-fed butter, omega 3s found in cold-water fish like salmon etc.

Trans fats were invested to give foods (mostly processed ones) a longer shelf life. Trans fats are found in many packaged foods – baked items, donuts, pastries, biscuits, crackers, margarine – and a lot of fried foods.

Check your food labels and if you see anything labeled ‘partially hydrogenated’ of ‘hydrogenated’ get rid of it fast.

Omega 3’s and 6’s

It’s also important to try to maintain a healthy balance of omega 3 to omega 5 fatty acids.


Next time you go to the supermarket pick up something that you haven’t tried before…a different piece of fruit, vegetable, fish, meat. You never know you might surprise yourself.

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